In the chinese culture, 1 month old is a really big milestone for a newborn. According to my dad, the 1 month party is more or less like a wedding in scale, and much bigger than all the subsequent birthdays for the child. Relatives and friends will meet the baby for the first time at the party, and red eggs/pig feet will be distributed to them as gift to celebrate the big day.
My family left on 8/18/2010, so we had our chinese 1 month old dinner on the 17th (although she was not quite 1 month yet) at King's restaurant. I have also invited some of my close friends (thanks for coming). Lots of food! half of that is still in my fridge!
Thanks everyone for coming to the dinner |
Family pic! |
Picture with Grandma and Grandpa |
Never knew that about Chinese culture. Looks like fun and your baby's adorable. Thanks for sharing.