Monday, December 6, 2010

4 month check up

Having fun playing with the toy
in her bumbo
Baby ellie's 4 month stats:
Weight: 14lb10.5oz (75th percentile)
Height: 26in (95th percentile)
Head circumference: 16in (25-50th percentile)

Yes, she has almost doubled her birth weight! Definitely a big girl. ;-)

She also had 2 shots at the doctor's office. She had a fever after the shots though, and mommy didn't sleep very much because of that. She was fussy and would not sleep in the crib. But she is all better now.

Mommy is going back to work day after tomorrow, and baby will go to day care for the first time. Hope everything will be fine and she'll get used to it soon. *finger-crossed*