Monday, November 29, 2010

Good progress!

Healthy sleeping habit, happy baby!
Baby has graduated from her bottle training. She can now take a bottle with no problem at all after a couple days of intensive training (meaning bottle-only during the day). Poor mommy had been pumping all day for a few days. Daddy asked me why I was pumping all the time... sigh. Anyways, this is a big relief since day care is starting next week.

As for sleep training, she is now able to go to sleep on her own for both naps and bed time. Mommy usually turns on the music, put her in the pack and play and she will fall asleep with almost no crying. Way to go, baby girl! I think the music is not necessary but I think it's kind of soothing. I will try to take it off within the next couple of days. The only problem is that she usually only naps for 45mins to an hour. And because of the short nap time, I am not able to get her on a 3 nap schedule yet. It's great progress nonetheless. I am very proud of her.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

sleep training, bottle-training

Time is running out... Mommy is going back to work in a few weeks. Before then, I would like baby to have a somewhat routined nap/feed schedule, and also want to make sure she can take bottles.

So far, she can take bottles, but not without at least a few minutes of crying and protesting. Sometimes I feel really bad, hearing her cry breaks my heart... I'm trying to do 2 bottles per day and hopefully by the time I return to work, she will feel more comfortable with it.

Sleep training is a bit smoother comparatively. She now sleeps from 8pm to 7:30am or so and usually wakes up twice middle of the night and I'll nurse her and she would go right back to sleep. Her bedtime routine includes a bath and then book. I tried to do a bottle right before bed, but she is always so sleepy after the bath and so I moved bottle feeding to before the bath. The first morning nap is usually on time, the rest of the naps are still irregular. She is now able to fall asleep on her own most of time within a few minutes of crying, and so I am pretty happy about it.

I am actually getting pretty stressed out with all these trainings. I wish I can cuddle her and spoil her all the time, but I know it is important for her to learn these things before daycare starts. Sorry baby - I hope you can understand.

Friday, November 12, 2010

No need to rush, mommy!

Relax, mommy!
As a mommy, sometimes I think I worry a little bit too much. Ellie was perfectly healthy but I would constantly worry whether she is hitting all the milestones and doing what she is supposed to be doing. When doctor told me that she should start social smiling at around 6 weeks, I was literally counting down the days and when she didn't smile on her 6 week birthday, I got anxious! I also got worried when she was crying hysterically during her tummy time and when she was showing no interest in the hanging toys on the play mat.

Mommy, baby will grow up at her own pace! There is no need to rush! Let her be a baby and stop worrying...

Of course I know it now because she is finally pushing herself up and smiling when I put her on her tummy and enjoy touching the toys on the play mat. =)

Pictures pictures!

I've taken toooooooo many pictures since baby was born. Not surprisingly, 99% of them were baby pictures and mostly, of course, her big head shots. However, once in a while I would remember how much I appreciate the simple joy of living and the beauty of nature, and I would take some pictures to capture the good times and memories.

Enjoying a walk in my old neighborhood with baby (gas work park)
Awesome fall color (fremont by the canal)
My favorite burger place - Blue moon!
On top of the kite hill of gas work park

Hanging out by the lake (Marina park in Kirkland)

mini-halloween party in the office

Mommy dressed baby up and brought her back to the office for halloween. We met with other babies and kids around the office and had a fun time. It's good to see my friends again after I've been gone for so long. 

Baby ellie was friendly with everyone at first and then got tired and became a little fussy. Too bad mommy was too busy chatting with everyone and only very few pictures were taken. Oh well, baby has no idea what halloween is about yet. It should be a lot more fun for her next year!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby friend Francis

First time for ellie to meet Francis!

Francis, the cute little boy of Noriko and Sam, is only 2 days older than ellie. Rian and I met Noriko and Sam first at the birth class and again at the breastfeeding class.  Then, we bumped into each other again at the hospital. I was just admitted at the hospital at the time and they were about to take baby Francis home.

Time flies! They are both 3 months old now. Wish both of them a wonderful childhood!