Sunday, November 21, 2010

sleep training, bottle-training

Time is running out... Mommy is going back to work in a few weeks. Before then, I would like baby to have a somewhat routined nap/feed schedule, and also want to make sure she can take bottles.

So far, she can take bottles, but not without at least a few minutes of crying and protesting. Sometimes I feel really bad, hearing her cry breaks my heart... I'm trying to do 2 bottles per day and hopefully by the time I return to work, she will feel more comfortable with it.

Sleep training is a bit smoother comparatively. She now sleeps from 8pm to 7:30am or so and usually wakes up twice middle of the night and I'll nurse her and she would go right back to sleep. Her bedtime routine includes a bath and then book. I tried to do a bottle right before bed, but she is always so sleepy after the bath and so I moved bottle feeding to before the bath. The first morning nap is usually on time, the rest of the naps are still irregular. She is now able to fall asleep on her own most of time within a few minutes of crying, and so I am pretty happy about it.

I am actually getting pretty stressed out with all these trainings. I wish I can cuddle her and spoil her all the time, but I know it is important for her to learn these things before daycare starts. Sorry baby - I hope you can understand.

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